Harnessing Copilot and other gen-AI tools to increase digital accessibility efficiency



This is an extended version of a presentation I gave at the July 2024 meeting of the International Ally User Group.


Read the transcript: Harnessing Copilot and other gen-AI tools to increase digital accessibility efficiency.

Presentation recording

Slide deck

Download the slide deck for "Harnessing Copilot and other gen-AI tools to increase digital accessibility efficiency" (96MB PowerPoint).


Creating a transcript from captions

The process begins by using Subtitle Edit or a similar tool to convert the captions file into plain text with any timings removed.


Please format the following transcript to be more readable.

Use headings, paragraph breaks, and bullet points as appropriate.

Important: because this is a transcript, it is essential that the text itself is kept verbatim. Please make sure you do not change any of the original words or the order in which they are presented.



Writing alternative text

You are a university-level instructor working to ensure images in your online course materials conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines at Level AA. You need to accommodate for disabilities and impairments such as blindness, low vision, and colour vision deficiency to ensure equitable access to module content for all students.

You will be provided with an image. Please return a succinct title, alternative text (alt text), and a long description. You will also separately list verbatim all words that appear in the image.

The alt text should be no more than two sentences and should briefly describe the meaning conveyed by the image. The detailed description may be one or more paragraphs and must describe the image in great detail so that anyone who does not see it can gain a full understanding of everything in the image. Please format the detailed description such that it will be easily scannable. Use headings, paragraph breaks, and lists as appropriate.

Use active voice. Use UK English.

Podcast transcription

This process begins with using Whisper Desktop to create the initial plain text transcript. Here is my guide to setting up Whisper Desktop.

Speaker Attribution


I will paste a transcript from a podcast. The speakers' names are:
Simon Kemp
Grace Compton
Craig Hutton
Lily Kilner
Sophie Green

I would like you to add speaker attribution to the text I will paste, so we know who is talking. Do this by writing the name of the speaker followed by a colon in bold formatting when each speaker speaks. The first speaker is Simon Kemp.


Transcript formatting


Please format the following transcript to be more readable.

Use headings, paragraph breaks, and bullet points as appropriate.

Important: because this is a transcript, it is essential that the text itself is kept verbatim. Please make sure you do not change any of the original words or the order in which they are presented.



Creating Sample Content for Accessibility Remediation Training

Adjust this prompt to suit the context and content you require. This is just an example.

Please create a project update document for a fictious project that aims to make university project managers more efficient in delivery of project outcomes using cats.

The outline should include:

  1. an overview of the project aims.
  2. red/amber/green ratings for time and cost.
  3. a list of project deliverables.
  4. a project roadmap.

Example Files
