SVG Palette Adjuster for Colour Vision Deficiency

Information and Instructions

About this tool

This tool is for those who create or use images in SVG format, particularly for use in an educational context. It helps you to determine whether someone with colour vision deficiency (colour blindness) may miss important details of the image. You can use the tool to swap colours the SVG uses with colours from known "colour vision deficiency friendly colour palettes" and preview the results using colour vision deficiency simulation. You can save the updated SVG for further use.

Learn more about colour vision deficiency.

How to use this tool

  1. Load your SVG.
  2. Assess whether those with colour vision deficiency would miss important parts of the image by using the colour vision deficiency simulations.
  3. If you wish to change the image, select a colour vision deficiency friendly colour palette.
  4. Change colours and use the simulation to determine whether no details of the image would be missed by someone with colour vision deficiency.
  5. Keep experimenting with different colours and palettes until you are happy with the results.
  6. Select Save SVG to save the updated SVG file. This will also create a comma separated file with details of which colours you changed. You may wish to share these with me to help me build a more automated solution in the future.

Data and privacy

All interactions with this tool take place only on your computer. No data is shared externally.


This tool uses the following:

Original (Trichromacy)


